Selasa, 29 Maret 2011


General Function:
To explain the processes of how something happens.

General Structure;
General Statement – sequenced explanation

Significant Grammatical Features:
a.    General and abstract nouns
b.    Adverbial phrases
c.    Passive voices
d.    Conjunction of time and cause
e.    Complex and technical language


Nuclear Energy
            Nuclear energy is generated by the splitting, or fissioning ,of atom of uranium or heavier.
            The fission process releases heat, which is used to produce steam to drive a turbine to generate electricity.
            The production of a reliable supply of electricity from nuclear fission requires mining, milling, and transporting uranium; enriching uranium (increasing the percentage of the uranium isotope U-235) and packing it in appropriate form; building and maintaining the reactor and associated generating equipment; and treating and disposing of spent fuel.
            The operation of a nuclear reaction and the related electricity-generating equipment is only one part of an interconnected set of activities.
            These activities require extremely sophisticated and interactive industrial processes and many specialized skills.


1.    The word fissioning in paragraph one is identified as a _____
A.   General vocabulary
B.   Specific participant
C.   Linking verb
D.   Non human participant
E.   Technical vocabulary

2.    From the text we know that the writer wants to _______ to the readers.
A.   Describe something particular to do with nuclear energy
B.   Explain about the complicated process related to nuclear energy
C.   Present the fact about the danger of nuclear reactor
D.   Show how to build such a nuclear reactor
E.   Describe how dangerous nuclear energy is

3.    Nuclear energy is generated by the splitting, or fissioning, of atom of uranium or heavier.
The underline word means
A.   resulted
B.   powered
C.   generalized
D.   functioned
E.   optimized

4.    What is the purpose of the text above?
A.   To inform about something
B.   To explain the processes of how something happens.
C.   To tell past event
D.   To entertaining
E.   To retell experience

5.    The genre of the above text is______
A.   explanation
B.   exposition
C.   discussion
D.   recount
E.   news item

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